Password cert Download the Root Explorer from here to your computer. By admin on Septemin Samsung Download GT-I9300 cert file. 5 Files - 0 Folders, Total size 572.0 BGT-I9300 cert file. Its IMEI is Null/Null, and Baseband is Unknown, Please send me a working EFS repair file for 9300, Which. Maybe I did something wrong, I dont know.Hey Guys, I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300.

I let it charging from yesterday around 10pm and just came to it around 5:30am and it was still in the boot screen. Snooping around I found this No Tripping Flash Counter - xda-developers so I decided to try and re-install the stock rom but alas it stayed on the boot screen. I turn it off and try deleting the cache. When it boots up it takes me to the Recovery Menu where the "E:/ Fail to Mount" error appears.so I click the option to delete everything and when the device boots up it stayed for atleast an hour on the Sansung boot up screen.

I wanted to do a factory reset on my S3 so I go to the settings and do it. Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM -0.001 using Tapatalk You may want to take a look at Updated! 17/05/14 - EFS Professional v2.1.32 - Also for NON-Samsung devices! - xda-developers if you're having EFS issues. Welcome to the forums!Does what same thing? Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM -0.001 using Tapatalk 2I registered on here just to thank you, I spent upwards of 6 hours trying to unbrick my phone without any success and using the Kies software worked like a charm. It'll prompt you for the model number (enter it in CAPS) and IMEI (both found under the battery) and then it'll download the correct firmware and then install it (the installation takes about 10 minutes the download depends on your Internet connection). The OS will install the necessary drivers (this may take a few minutes) and then you can select Tools -> Emergency firmware recovery in the Kies software. Then put your phone in Download mode (with the phone completely off, press and hold the Volume Down and Home and Power buttons simultaneously and release them all when you see the splash screen) and connect it to your PC. Install it and then run it once (it'll automatically update itself). If you don't already have Kies installed just do a Google search for it. You can use the Kies software on your PC to reload the stock firmware or you can use Odin (I'd recommend the former). The OS on the phone has gotten corrupted.