To redeem the SWTOR code, you need to follow these simple steps: – How To Redeem Star Wars The Old Republic Code?

NYCANTINA19 – By redeeming this reward code, you will get Character Flair. NYCANTINA16 – By redeeming this reward code, you will Korrealis Sheriff Mount. SWCANTINA17 – By redeeming this reward code, you will Korrealis Viscount Mount. SWCELEBRATION17 – By redeeming this reward code, you will get Droid Pet. LOTSofSWTOR – NEW! Someone shared this code in the comments.

The following Star Wars The Old Republic code wiki aka SWTOR code wiki showcases the available working codes: – We provide the fastest/full coverage and regular updates on the latest working Star Wars The Old Republic Codes 2021 Wiki: November 2021 SWTOR Codes 2021. Star Wars The Old Republic Codes 2021: November 2021 SWTOR Codes⇓ Read on for Star Wars The Old Republic Codes 2021 aka SWTOR Codes 2021. Star Wars The Old Republic is a popular Star Wars game by EA.